Megan W.
Peer Leader - PHYS 141
Pronouns: she/her
Major: Physics
Future Goal: My goal is to attend graduate school and eventually get a Phd in physics! I would like to continue on the CMS experiment and someday work at a place like Fermilab or Argonne doing experimental particle physics. I also someday want to have my own telescope!
Fun Fact: I've been interested in photography since high school: I do both DSLR (digital) and 35mm (darkroom). My motto (as it applies to both art and science) is "your first ten thousand photos are your worst ones". Physics, or any new skill, can be difficult, but the way you build up understanding is through a thousand tiny steps rather than one big leap!
Study Tip: For Physics 141 students: You've probably heard this advice already, but it's true--if you get confused, draw a picture! And don't be discouraged if you don't understand things the first time through, it does get better!